Info in english
Kystskogbruket is a collaboration working with realizing the potential of forestry along the norwegian coast. All coastal counties from Finnmark in the north to Agder in the south are included
Kystskogbruket is a form of cooperation, a working methodology, where the private forestry in the eight coastal counties are actively working together with the counties at a political and administrative level – supported by the forestry department at the County Gouvernor. Through the last decree on coastal forestry in 2015, the main goal is to quadruple value creation by 2040 in the sector.
Kystskogbruket was formed in 2005 as a result of the large and untapped potential in the sector, while the industry back then lacked raw material. But there were obstacles. Obstacles and challenges had to be overcome to achieve this untapped potential. But in comparison with the inland forestry, these challenges were quite unique, and this made it necessary to work on a separate decree for the coastal forestry sector. County council leader Alf Daniel Moen in Nord-Trøndelag took the initiative for the first decree and the project "Coastal Forestry Project" was established.
The district committee of Nord-Norge and Nord-Trøndelag, the Vestland council and Sør-Trøndelag county municipality financed the project. This led to the creation of the political steering group. The county governors' forest managers in all the counties have entered what we call the secretariat. This secretariat carried out processes in the counties to map and mobilize the industry. The first decree on coastal forestry was available in January 2008. As a general objective, it had to double the value creation in the forestry industry by 2020 and to increase the CO2 uptake in the forest.
Kystskogbruket is a superstructure for three areas:
- Political. A common, political follow-up program (FOP) to optimize the value creation and climate contribution from forestry in the coastal counties.
- Industry actors in the county - those who live by the forest and by managing it – represented by Skognæringa coast
- Public administration. County Governor's Group (FMG) - county governors' forest managers - who are to contribute with professional competence on various unique problems